ጥሩ ዋጋ $10.88 ለ Cloud Bar TN15000 ሊጣል የሚችል Vape Kit 23ml – Cloud Bar ኩፖኖች

የመስጠት ውጤት0
$10.88 $14.88 አሁኑኑ ግዛ
የመስጠት ውጤት0
$10.88 $14.88 አሁኑኑ ግዛ

Cloud Bar TN15000 is a smart disposable vape with a screen, featuring an incredible amount of e-juice (23ml), a reliable 650mAh battery and a mesh coil for about 15000 puffs. Cloud Bar TN15000 belongs to the disposable vapes with a high puff count. Thanks to the large juice capacity, TN15000 lasts longer and works well. The full screen displays both e-juice level and battery life in detail. A mesh coil is equipped as the heating element to vaporize the juice evenly and bring out the most natural flavors.

Cloud Bar TN15000

 ዋና መለያ ጸባያት

• ዳግም ሊሞላ የሚችል 650mAh ባትሪ

• 23ml ኢ-ፈሳሽ አቅም

• 5% የኒኮቲን ጥንካሬ

• ስዕል-ነቅቷል

• በግምት 15000 Puffs

• Wide-mouth Airway Design

• Smart Digital Display

• የዩኤስቢ ዓይነት-ሲ ኃይል መሙያ ወደብ (ገመድ አልተካተተም)

• MTL Vaping

Cloud Bar TN15000 PACKAGE LIST

1 *  Disposable Kita




የበለጠ ስምምነት በ: vape ስምምነት

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የእኔ Vape ግምገማ ቅናሾች
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