ጥሩ ቅናሽ 32% የጠፋው Mary OS5000 በሚሞላ የሚጣል ቫፕ፣ $12.99 ብቻ

MyVapor Vape ሱቅ
የመስጠት ውጤት0
$12.99 $18.99 አሁኑኑ ግዛ
የመስጠት ውጤት0
$12.99 $18.99 አሁኑኑ ግዛ

የ. ማስተዋወቅ የጠፋ ማርያም OS5000 Rechargeable Disposable Vape, a revolutionary vaping device that combines the convenience of a disposable vape with the sustainability of a rechargeable battery. With an impressive 5000 puffs and a massive 13ml e-liquid capacity, this kit offers an extended vaping experience without the need for frequent refills or recharges.

የጠፋ ማርያም OS5000


የጠፋች ሜሪ OS5000 ቁልፍ ባህሪዎች

  1. እንደገና ሊሞላ የሚችል ንድፍ; Unlike traditional disposable vapes, the Lost Mary OS5000 features a rechargeable battery, allowing for multiple uses and reducing waste.
  2. ከፍተኛ የሳንባ ምች አቅም; Enjoy up to 5000 puffs from a single Lost Mary OS5000 kit, ensuring long-lasting vaping enjoyment without the hassle of refills or replacements.
  3. ከፍተኛ ኢ-ፈሳሽ አቅም፡- With a generous 13ml e-liquid capacity, the Lost Mary OS5000 provides ample juice to keep you vaping for extended periods without running out.
  4. ኮምፓክት እና ተንቀሳቃሽ Despite its impressive capacity, the Lost Mary OS5000 remains compact and portable, making it perfect for vaping on the go. Slip it into your pocket or bag and enjoy convenient vaping wherever you are.
  5. ለአጠቃቀም ቀላል፡ The Lost Mary OS5000 is designed for simplicity, making it ideal for beginners and experienced vapers alike. Simply activate the device and enjoy smooth and flavorful vapor with every puff.



የበለጠ ስምምነት በ: vape ስምምነት


ሃሳብዎን በደስታ እንሰማለን

መልስ አስቀምጥ

የእኔ Vape ግምገማ ቅናሾች
አዲስ መለያ ይመዝገቡ ፡፡
ዳግም አስጀምር የይለፍ ቃል
ንጥሎችን አነጻጽር
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