ThunderHead ፈጠራዎች ብላይዝ ሶሎ RTA 25mm – £20.99
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20.99 30.99 አሁኑኑ ግዛ
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20.99 30.99 አሁኑኑ ግዛ

ThunderHead ፈጠራዎች ብቸኛ RTA 25 ሚሜ ያበራሉ

ThunderHead ፈጠራዎች ብቸኛ RTAን ያበራሉ is made of SS for better quality and can effectively avoid scratches. You can choose 3.5ml straight glass or 5.5ml bubble glass, this can be switched at will according to your daily use habits. It has the easiest way to fill e-liquid from the top, which will not get your hands dirty nor will the liquid leak out because the flow of air is from top to bottom, you can choose the 14 honeycomb airflow holes on the side, you can also choose the bottom of the slotted airflow, and more importantly, the W-shaped deck can facilitate better coil construction.

ዋና መለያ ጸባያት

• Material Of SS

• 3.5ml vape ጭማቂ አቅም

• 5.5ml የአረፋ ማጠራቀሚያ

• ከፍተኛ የመሙያ ስርዓት

• “ደብሊው” የግንባታ ወለል

• ከላይ ወደ ታች የአየር ፍሰት ንድፍ

• Leakproof Effect

• 14pcs የማር ወለላ የጎን የአየር ፍሰት እና የታሰረ የታችኛው የአየር ፍሰት

• ነጠላ ጥቅልል ​​ውቅር

• 810 የሚንጠባጠብ ጫፍ

• መጠን፡ ዲያሜትር25(ቤዝ 24) x45 ሚሜ

Try this ThunderHead Creations Blaze Solo RTA!


ተጨማሪ ቅናሾች በ፡ vape ስምምነት

ሃሳብዎን በደስታ እንሰማለን

መልስ አስቀምጥ

የእኔ Vape ግምገማ ቅናሾች
አዲስ መለያ ይመዝገቡ ፡፡
ዳግም አስጀምር የይለፍ ቃል
ንጥሎችን አነጻጽር
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